Taking Back the Moral High Ground

The "Black Armband" view of White history

The plight of many indigenous peoples across the world have often been widely publicised in the mass media. The situation of the Aborigines in Australia is given wide publicity by the country's media, most of whom are supportive of Aboriginal causes, often without any proper research into the facts of the matter, and usually without a fair presentation of the opposing side of the case.

An adjunct to the pro-Aborigine bias of the media has been the corresponding anti-White bias of the media, especially in relation to White history in Australia. In what has come to be known as the “Black Armband” view of Australian history, historians and the media have concentrated on presented much of White Australian history in a negative light.

John Bennett has written on this insipid style of anti-White racism.

John Bennett

    Another aspect of anti-white racism in Australia is the attempt to depict European settlement as a barbaric process with few redeeming features which led to the genocide of Aborigines. Historians such as Humphrey McQueen and TV commentators such as John Pilger denigrate Europeans and the European settlement of Australia. Professor Geoffrey Blainey has pointed out that since the 1970s, there has been a widespread movement to disown Australia's past and to dismiss it or wrap it around with guilt or shame. In our sick economy the guilt industry remains one of the few growth industries. He says that with massive federal and state grants, the multi-cultural industry has become an ardent propagandist, pouring shame on Australia's past. But the fact remains that most of our post-war immigrants came here because Australia-by virtue of its successful past-could offer them economic and political security which their own country could not provide.

    Blainey points out that Australia has been one of the great success stories in the world's modern history, but hardly a whisper of this comes from Canberra and its platoons of speech writers, advertising agents and makers of jingles and slogans. In the face of considerable odds, democracy was also established in this continent and sustained. This is one of the six or seven oldest continuing democracies in the world, but no pride in that fact floats out of Canberra. Blainey says that to these economic and political gains can be added a social success: the creation of a way of life which for all its faults, has shown a respect for the average citizen, a quiet admiration for the baffler, and some help for the underdog. Our history has exceptions, some tragic, to this success, but fewer exceptions than almost any other nation you care to name. It is sobering to reflect that the core of these successes was truly won well before 1950. It is even more sobering to reflect that Australia's lead over other nations, by most criteria, was more marked then than today.

John Bennett also says:

    The extent of the threat to the civil liberties of Aborigines and of discrimination against them is often overstated. Professor Blainey's comments about the attempt to disown the achievements of European settlement of Australia, and a concerted attempt to emphasise and often exaggerate the plight of Aborigines over the last 200 years should be heeded. The extent of atrocities committed in the distant past in Australia and elsewhere is often exaggerated for political reasons (for example the persecution of Jews in WWII) and the exaggerated version of the atrocities is often referred to in the media to promote particular interests. Opponents of land rights for Aborigines, including some Aborigines, claim that some of the agitation for land rights, financial compensation and a "treaty" for Aborigines, is aimed to destabilise society, delegitimise European sovereignty and secure financial rewards for non-Aborigines associated with the agitation.

    The granting of extensive land rights to Aborigines could lead to what in South Africa was called Apartheid. The abolition of restrictions on drinking of alcohol by Aborigines together with ready availability of social security and other funds has led to a form of genocide through alcoholism.

    Some Aborigines such as Mr Bob Liddle have objected to attempts to re-write Australian history and have conceded that European settlement brought many benefits to Aborigines. He claims that the "idyllic" picture of Aboriginal life in Australia before white settlement is misleading, because it ignores tribal warfare, savage punishments and starvation. Mr Liddle claims that people with little Aboriginal blood ("pigmentation problems") have caused a backlash against Aborigines generally, though calls for land rights, extravagant financial compensation and a "treaty". He says that a treaty is just a gimmick to ease the consciences of the middle class "trendies", and would do nothing to help Aborigines living in grinding poverty. Liddle suggests that Australia should treble the amount spent on Aboriginal education and that the money could be available by abolishing the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Commission which has wasted $2 billion in the last 10 years. He regrets that 70% of Aborigines are on some kind of welfare payment and suggests this is because of propaganda that the Government owes them a living leading to a "hand out mentality".

Multiculturalist hatred of White society, often inspired by the psychological trauma of the "White Guilt Complex" (itself a product of the Multiculturalist mind-set) is expressed in the "Black Armband" view of Australian history, and by other forms of anti-White racism.

The media, and academia, often give biased and on-sided accounts regarding Aboriginal issues and claims, not so much because they have researched the issues and found them to be worthwhile, but because of an ideological compulsion to denigrate White society and White history.

The "Black Armband" view of Australia history is part of a series of ideological attacks by Multiculturalists against people of European background, seeking to delegitimise the very existence of White people in this world. This form of anti-White racism is yet another battle to be fought, in the cultural war being waged by Multiculturalists against our people.

Taking Back the Moral High Ground