White Slaves, African Slave Traders, and the Hidden History of Slavery

Black slavery used as propaganda

The Multiculturalists, dominant in media and education, continuously use the issue of Black Slavery as a psychological baton to beat over the heads of White people, children in particular, to damage any concept of ethnic pride that they have (while at the same time, encouraging ethnic pride amongst Blacks, Asians, etc.). Black slavery, amongst other issues, is used by Multiculturalists as propaganda to discourage Whites from becoming so-called "racists", and to encourage them (brainwash them) into becoming Multiculturalists.

Kevin Alfred Strom, on the American Dissident Voices radio program, gave his views on Multiculturalist propaganda in his broadcast "The Truth About Slavery".

    "By recounting and emphasizing again and again the real and imagined sufferings of Black people under slavery, the White student is made to feel that his ancestors were cruel, morally retarded, and evil. They are made to feel that they owe Black people a nearly infinite compensation, since, they are taught, Black people's problems today are the legacy of hundreds of years of slavery for which White people are responsible. They are taught that the relative prosperity which we enjoy today was achieved largely by exploitation of Black slaves. Is it any wonder that thousands of our young people join Jesse Jackson in chanting "Hey Hey Ho Ho, Western Culture's Gotta Go"? Is it any wonder that they all too often reject our European cultural heritage and embrace all forms of alien styles of music, dancing, dress, grooming and slang, from Jamaican "rasta" to "gangsta rap"? Is it any wonder that White teenagers are committing suicide in higher numbers every year? They have received, in our public schools and colleges, not a "liberal education," but an education by liberals. They have been taught very well indeed -taught that they and their ancestors and their traditions and their natural feelings are worthless and an obstacle to be overcome."[3]

As Johann Wingard points out, the blame for slavery should not be placed solely upon the consciences of Europeans, and that it was a practice carried out by all races. In fact, slavery is still practiced in Africa, by Africans, even in modern times.

    "It would be wrong, however to place the focus only on Europe, as the African slave trade with Arabia was of similar if not greater proportions. Even after the West abolished slavery, Arab countries continued with this atrocity. Little was known of the methods by which the slaves were obtained, or of the raids and burning of villages and wholesale depopulation of large regions to supply slaves to the Mohammedan markets in the East, not to mention the demand for Africa itself. The export of slaves from East Africa to Arabia, Iran, and India had been a lucrative trade for centuries until it was finally stopped by Britain in 1845. Even as recently as 1953, several Saudi's went to West Africa posing as Moslem missionaries and invited thousands of Africans on a pilgrimage to Mekka. On arrival the pilgrims were arrested for entering the country without visas and were sold as slaves. In the late 1950's there were between 500,000 and 700,000 slaves in Arabia.

    But slavery, as practiced in Africa, was even more horrendous and still continues on a large scale, even to this day. On 6 March 2002, the French TV channel TF1, reported in its main news bulletin how an estimated 15 000 children, abducted from Mali with promises of a better life, were sold as slaves to cotton plantations in the Ivory Coast."

Child-slavery is a flourishing business in West Africa, in countries like Nigeria, Togo, Benin, and Gabon. However, despite the enormity of this modern slavery, the media still focus their tales of slavery on the issue of Black slavery in the old USA, not on this widespread immediate problem of today. White Western societies are subjected to the constant Multiculturalist media propaganda of Black slavery as main stories or as many passing references in movies, and TV shows - whether in fictional stories, "magazine" news items, or referred to in current news.

Dr. William Pierce, late leader of the American racial-nationalist organisation National Alliance, recognised that the modern mass media deliberately ignores the modern slave trade in Africa.

    "Businessmen in the coastal cities send buyers into the interior with buses, where they collect surplus children, in the seven- to 15-year-old age range, and bring them back in groups of 50 to 100 - in other words, a bus load - to the slave markets on the coast. Typically the buyers pay parents anywhere from 10 to 30 dollars per child. In some areas, they simply bribe local officials to look the other way and kidnap the children.

    Once in the coastal cities, the children are housed in large, supermarket-style buildings where shoppers can stroll through, select the children they want to buy, and pay for their merchandise at the door as they leave. Some of the purchasers send the children out on the streets to work as prostitutes. Others use them as house servants or as factory workers.

    This is not a small-time thing or an occasional thing. This is a thriving business involving thousands of children bought and sold every year in dozens of slave markets in West African cities, in the region which used to be known as the "slave coast," because that's where the slave dealers, during the 18th and early 19th centuries, would buy ship loads of slaves to take to the West Indies and the Americas for plantation work. After slavery was outlawed in Europe and America, it continued as an ongoing institution in Africa, just as it had for countless centuries before White men began buying African slaves.

    The only reason Europeans and White Americans ever hear anything about this ongoing African slave trade is that there are a few tender-hearted White groups, such as Amnesty International and Anti-Slavery International, whose sensibilities are offended by this sort of thing. These groups try to arouse public opinion in America and Europe against slavery. They also work through politicians, trying to persuade them to put anti-slavery amendments into aid agreements with African countries. As a result of such aid-agreement amendments most African countries recently have gone through the motions of enacting legislation outlawing slavery. All this means in practice is that the slave dealers must pay bribes to the politicians or the police in order to avoid interference with their business.

    Do you wonder why you don't see more news about the slave trade? Do you wonder why the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, and the major television news networks have virtually nothing to say about it? Can you imagine the outrage you would see in these controlled media, day after day and week after week, if White people were behind this trade in Black children?

    Of course, you can! But news about Blacks in Africa, behaving the way Blacks always have behaved, whether it is buying and selling child slaves in Nigeria or engaging in ritual cannibalism in Liberia or "necklacing" accused witches in South Africa, is news which doesn't fit and is therefore deemed not newsworthy by the masters of the controlled media. In fact, the media masters consider such news positively harmful, because it conflicts with the image they have built in the minds of the White public: an image of virtuous, peaceable, freedom-loving, industrious, sensitive, and creative Blacks, essentially noble Blacks, who have failed to rise to the cultural level of Europe and America only because they have been enslaved and exploited by cruel, greedy White supremacists. It's important to maintain this deceptive image, because it reinforces the sense of White racial guilt; it helps keep Whites convinced that they owe something to non-Whites, that they must never think of their own racial interests or feel any sense of White racial solidarity, because that can only lead to terrible things like slavery and the oppression of noble Blacks."

Even though slavery ended in the USA well over a hundred years ago, in 1865, even though only 8% of American families owned slaves[6], even though many Blacks owned slaves[7], and even though no-one who was involved in that slavery is alive today, the whole of America's White population is collectively blamed, and is never forgiven for slavery that occurred in the 1700s and 1800s, and that blame is extended to Whites in general across the world.

However, Arab and Black slave traders and slave owners, who have continued to practice slavery for hundreds of years, and who have enslaved millions of blacks, and continue the practice of slavery even to this day, are virtually ignored by the Western media. The Arab and African countries who do very little about this practice, or turn a blind eye to it, are not subject to ongoing condemnation by the media or Western governments. Whereas pre-1994 South Africa was continually attacked and maligned for having a White-dominated society and an official policy of separate racial development, or apartheid; the countries that allow modern-day Black slavery are not subjected to continual media campaigns against them, nor international economic boycotts against them (as happened to White South Africa). In fact, the human rights abuses are generally left untouched and ignored by the Multiculturalist-dominated media.

Why? Because the issue has never been about slavery as such - the issue has always been about how to find an excuse to condemn and denigrate White people, with the resulting White Guilt Complex and steady demolishing of White ethnic pride, all of which is ideologically conducive to the furthering of Multiculturalism.[8]

To lay the blame for slavery upon Whites in general ("Whites used Blacks as slaves") rather than upon that small percentage who actually owned slaves ("plantation owners used Blacks as slaves"), or upon those few Africans who enslaved Blacks, or upon those few White ship owners who actually engaged in the slave trade, is an instinctive tactic by Multiculturalists who wish to denigrate the White race as a whole. The Multiculturalists' obsession with Black slavery has nothing to do with slavery, but everything to do with a hatred of the position of the White race in the world (including a self-hatred by those Whites, instilled by a White Guilt Complex and by the anti-White hatred of multiracialists in general).

And what of modern slavery? Where are the movies, the mini-series productions, the constant side references in TV shows? Why doesn't the Western media produce continuous television outpourings of rage against this horrendous practice? The reason is because modern slavery is a product of the Third World, overwhelmingly carried out by coloured people, and does not fit into the ideological parameters of Multiculturalist anti-White propaganda.

The United Nations Working Group on Contemporary Forms of Slavery has estimated in 1999 that some 20 million people are held in bonded labour around the world.[9] Another report, put together by Anti-Slavery International in 2002 claims that as many as 27 million people worldwide are held in one form of slavery or another, most of them children. The report highlighted the plight of bonded agricultural workers in Pakistan, forced labour in the Sudan, and the worldwide problem of child domestic servants and the sexual exploitation of children. Other countries cited by the report as tolerating slavery included Brazil, Mauritania, and the United Arab Emirates.[10] It has also been estimated that in India alone, forty million people, including fifteen million children, are working in slave-like conditions as bonded laborers.[11]

Salim Muwakkil, writing in The Chicago Tribune, has noted the silence from America on the issue of modern-day slavery in Africa.

    "the discussion about slavery in Africa has been raging just beneath the surface of public discourse for at least a decade. That conversation has focused primarily on the African nations of Mauritania and Sudan, where slavery is less a function of poverty than of tradition and war. What's more, since both countries are "Islamic republics," dominated by Arab rulers, the issue has been aggravated by religious antagonisms, race and cultural rivalries. Further controversy has centered on the lack of protest from the African-American community, especially since condemnation of the transatlantic slave trade is so pivotal to black leadership's critique of the West."[12]

Muwakkil has also noted the racial and ethnic aspects to this slavery.

    "In Mauritania, the country's leadership is dominated by ethnic Berbers who are racially distinct from the indigenous black population. In Sudan, however, the difference is mostly cultural or vaguely "ethnic" "[13]

Serge Trifkovic, in The Sword of the Prophet: A Politically-Incorrect Guide to Islam, has revealed the racial nature of the Black slavery carried out by Arabs in Mauritania and Sudan.

    "Contrary to the myth that Islam is a religion free from racial prejudice, slavery in the Moslem world has been, and remains, brutally racist in character.  To find truly endemic, open, raw anti-Black racism and slavery today one needs to go to the two Islamic Republics in Africa: Mauritania and Sudan. Black people have been enslaved on such a scale that the term black has become synonymous with slave.

    ... For the pure-black populations of Sudan and Mauritania, independence from colonial rule marked the end of a slavery-free respite. Slavery was "abolished" several times in Mauritania since independence, most recently on July 5, 1980. Yet the Anti-Slavery Society's findings (1982) and those of Africa Watch (1990) point to the existence of at least 100,000 "full-time" slaves and additional 300,000 half-slaves, all of them black, still being held by Arab-Mauritanians.

    ... The Moslem world has yet to produce a serious indigenous movement to abolish slavery that was not the consequence of Western prompting.

    The Arabian Peninsula in 1962 became the world's penultimate region to officially abolish slavery, yet years later Saudi Arabia alone was estimated to contain a quarter of a million slaves. Thousands of miles away from Africa, in Pakistan's Northwest Frontier Province, girls as young as five are auctioned off to highest bidders. Afghan girls between the ages of 5 and 17 sell for $80 to $100. The price depends on the colors of their eyes and skin; if they are virgins, the price is higher. The girls are generally sold into prostitution or, if they are lucky, they may join harems in the Middle East. If they are lucky."

Slaves in modern Africa miss out on the massive media propaganda that is devoted to Black slavery in pre-Civil War America, simply because their masters are the wrong colour - that is, their masters are Arab or African themselves. If the slaves masters of modern Africa were Whites from South Africa or Rhodesia then the media outrage and propaganda would know no bounds, and - like the media propaganda hurled against the old South Africa - would be of such continuous high publicity that every citizen would be extremely aware of it, it would be an issue of "debate" in every school, it would be the subject of campaigns by Multiculturalist and "progressive" organisations, boycotts would be organised, and governments would be forced into action.

If the Multiculturalists were really so concerned about the cruelty of slavery, they would be protesting day and night against the modern-day countries that allow this practice to continue. Yet, on this current issue of slavery, they are virtually silent.

Multiculturalists are far more concerned with promoting their world-view than they are with condemning slavery. The fact is that the media outpourings on Black slavery are due more to their value as Multiculturalist propaganda against "white racism" than for any particular concern about human suffering.

White Slaves, African Slave Traders, and the Hidden History of Slavery