The Menace of Multiculturalism

The Great Multicultural Fraud

To call Australia "multicultural" is a misnomer. To illustrate the point we can compare culture with language. Australia's language is English, both in the official sense and in the practical sense. There are, however, some people in Australia who speak another language as their "first" language, so in a pedantic sense the country could be termed "multilingual" (but which would infer that most Australians are everyday speakers of foreign languages). Yet, only an idiot would seriously describe Australia as "multilingual": it is an "English speaking country" which happens to have a small minority of people who speak other languages (with only an extremely small minority who can't speak English at all). So it is with culture: the vast majority of Australians adhere to the Australian culture (even fewer are those who adhere solely to another culture).

Don't be misled by statistics of "ethnic background": the vast majority of the Australian-born (second generation, third generation, or whatever) are Australians, who are part of the Australian culture; some may be raised in such a way as to be imbued with aspects of another culture, but that does not change the overall picture: we share (broadly) the same way of life; speak the same language; relate to the same national icons; operate under the same cultural mode of everyday behaviour; and we live in, and enjoy, the same country. Culturally, most Australians are just that: Australian.

A survey conducted for the Office of Multicultural Affairs revealed some interesting results: that only 9% of Australians considered themselves to belong to a non-Australian ethnic or cultural group (2% of which were "British"), with only 3% actually being members of "an organised group with ethnic affiliations". It was also shown that "only a quarter of the second generation sample saw themselves as belonging to an ethnic group as did just under a third of the first-generation group. The only sub-sample where more than half identified with an ethnic group was the recent arrivals."(72)

Thus, most migrants can be viewed in a different light to that being shown by the multicultural lobbyists, that despite being statistically classified as being of "ethnic background", many have adopted the Australian culture as their own and often have become virtually indistinguishable from the native-born. Of course, many are unable to assimilate so easily, either because they come from a culture that cannot adapt readily to ours, or because they have fallen into the clutches of Political Multiculturalism which demands that they don't assimilate.(73)

The fact is that Australia is not a multicultural country. To use an analogy, it can readily be seen that a white dog, with a pink tongue and black paws, would only seriously be described as "multicoloured" by an idiot, or someone with an ulterior motive; so it is with multiculturalism: there is an ulterior motive behind the push to call Australia "multicultural". The reasoning is that if Australia is called "multicultural" (which would imply that most Australians are everyday practitioners of foreign cultures), that the entire country will be perceived to be, as a whole, "multicultural" (no matter what the reality is); that, if this country is "multicultural", we therefore need "multicultural policies", that therefore we need "multiculturalism", which will then be used to turn Australia "on its head" to produce a multiculturalist, internationalist society.

The phase so often used by multiculturalists, that "Australia is a multicultural society" is a cleverly constructed political phrase that is used to justify Political Multiculturalism. Despite its pretensions to moral grandeur; multiculturalism is simply a political ideology, pushed by internationalists and small "l" liberals, that is dangerous and destructive, and promises only one end for our country: the death of the Australian culture and our national identity.

Australia is not a "multicultural society", it is a monocultural society with some ethnic minority cultures at its edges, or to be more succinct, Australia is a "core-culture society". The term "multicultural society" implies that the entirety of our society is multicultural, which is far from the truth, and is a term used in support of a political ideology. The term "core-cultural society" is a far more accurate and truthful description of the Australian nation.

As Brian Bullivant has warned, "We have become so accustomed to the regularly parroted assertion, 'Australia is a multicultural society', that there is a considerable risk of assuming that such a society exists." (74)

The Menace of Multiculturalism