"Shadows Before"
The Distant Drum
"Flag of the Southern Cross"
Golden Gully
The Hymn of the Socialists
The Legend of Cooee Gully
Only a Sod
A Song of the Republic
Statue of Robert Burns
The Wreck of the "Derry Castle"
Andy's Gone With Cattle
Andy's Return
The Army of the Rear
Beaten Back
The Blue Mountains
Faces in the Street
Lachlan Side
"Let's Be Fools Tonight"
A May Night on the Mountains
Shearers' Song
The Watch on the Kerb
The Ballad of the Drover
Brighten's Sister-in-Law
The Cattle-Dog's Death
The Ghost
He's Gone to England for a Wife
Laughing and Sneering
The Legend of Mammon Castle
The Mountain Splitter
Mount Bukaroo
O Cupid, Cupid; Get Your Bow!
Old Stone Chimney
Rain in the Mountains
The Roaring Days
The "Seabolt's" Volunteers
The Sleeping Beauty
The Song and the Sigh
The Song of the Waste-Paper Basket
The Squatter's Daughter
The Teams
To the Irish Delegates
An Australian Advertisement
The Australian Marseillaise
The Black Tracker
Cherry-Tree Inn
The Fight at Eureka Stockade
The Fire at Ross's Farm
The Glass on the Bar
He Mourned His Master
Ireland Shall Rebel
John Cornstalk
Middleton's Rouseabout
On the Summit of Mount Clarence
Over the Ranges and Into the West
The Pavement Stones
Skeleton Flat
The Song of Old Joe Swallow
The Squatter, Three Cornstalks, and the Well
Stand by the Engines
The Statue of Our Queen
Sweethearts Wait on Every Shore
To a Pair of Blucher Boots
To "Doc" Wylie
Trouble on the Selection
The Two Samaritans and the Tramp
The Water Lily
When the Children Come Home
Who's Dot Pulleteen?
A Word to Texas Jack
As Ireland Wore the Green
At The Tug-of-War
The Babies of Walloon
The Ballad of Mabel Clare
The Beauty and the Dude
Ben Duggan
The Cambaroora Star
Cameron's Heart
Corny Bill
["Cribs to be Cracked!"]
Dan Wasn't Thrown From His Horse
The Drover's Sweetheart
Eurunderee [1891]
Freedom on the Wallaby
The Free-Selector's Daughter
The Ghost at the Second Bridge
The God-Forgotten Election
The Good Old Concertina
[Harry Stephens]
The Helpless Mothers
"Jack Robertson"
Kangaroo Power
The Labour Agitator
Lay Your Ears Back and Fight
["Let the Government Determine..."]
My Literary Friend
Mary Lemaine
The Old Man's Welcome
On the Wallaby
The Patriotic League
The Rebel
The Shame of Going Back
The Shanty on the Rise
Song of the Old Bullock-Driver
Spread the Truth!
Sydney Town in '91
The Triumph of the People
Trooper Campbell
The Vote of Thanks Debate
Watching the Crows
The Way I Treated Father
When the Irish Flag Went By
Billy's "Square Affair"
The Captain of the Push
Charley Lilley
The City Bushman
Constable M'Carty's Investigations
'Cross the Border
Cruise of the "Crow"
A Derry on a Cove
The English Queen
The Grog-an'-Grumble Steeplechase
The House of Fossils
Jack Dunn of Nevertire
The Lay-'Em-Out Brigade
The Love of a "God"
Mary Called Him "Mister"
May Day in Europe
Modern Parasites
More Echoes from the Old Museum
Ned's Delicate Way
The Old Rebel Flag in the Rear
Our Children's Land
The Poets of the Tomb
The Press Gang
A Prouder Man Than You
Rise Ye! Rise Ye!
A Song of Southern Writers
The Southern Scout
A Study in the "Nood"
Taking His Chance
"Tambaroora Jim"
There's a Bunk in the Humpy
Up the Country
"Wales the First"
When the Bush Begins to Speak
When the Duke of Clarence Died
When Your Pants Begin to Go
You'll Triumph Not in This Land
"All Unyun Men"
Antony Villa
Arthur Desmond
The Emigration to New Zealand
The English Ne'er-do-well
The Great Grey Plain
Here's Luck!
Knocked Up
Lake Eliza
The Morning of New Zealand
The Other Gum
Out Back
The Paroo
"Ryan's Crossing"
Saint Peter
"Sez You"
Something Better
Tally Town
The Waving of the Red
The Western Stars
When the "Army" Prays for Watty
Australian Bards and Bush Reviewers
Beautiful Maoriland
Charley Turner
"The Home of the Gods"
In the Days When the World Was Wide
In the Street
I'll Tell You What, You Wanderers
The Latter End of Spring
Marshall's Mate
Martin Farrell
O'Hara, J.P.
Old Joe Swallow
Republican Pioneers
Rewi to Grey
To Tom Bracken
The Windy Hills o' Wellington
But What's The Use
Dan, the Wreck
The Fate of the Fat Man's Son
Peter Anderson and Co.
Since Then
The Star of Australasia
To an Old Mate
To the "Advanced Idealist"
The Vagabond
Years After the War in Australia
After All
Bill and Jim Fall Out
The Bursting of the Boom
The Man from Waterloo
The Men Who Come Behind
The New Chum Jackaroo
The Outside Track
Reedy River
The Swagman and His Mate
The Way of the World
When You're Bad in Your Inside
Write by Return
A Backward Glance
The Battling Days
The Boss Over the Board
The Boss's Boots
The Drovers
Foreign Lands
The Green-Hand Rouseabout
The Jolly Dead March
The Light on the Wreck
The Lights of Cobb and Co.
A Little Mistake
The Men We Might Have Been
The Old Bark School
The Old Mile-Tree
Old Tunes
The Ports of the Open Sea
The Professional Wanderer
The Three Kings [1897]
The Uncultured Rhymer to His Cultured Critics
"The Voice from Over Yonder"
When the Ladies Come to the Shearing-Shed
Written Afterwards
The Writer's Dream
The Christ of the "Never"
The Dons of Spain
"Knocking Around"
Out on the Roofs of Hell
The Ships That Won't Go Down
Andy Page's Rival
The Babies in the Bush
The Ballad of the Rouseabout
The Blessings of War
The Days When We Went Swimming
The Flag of Our Destinies
From the Strand to the Never
The Green Tide
How the Land Was Won
Jack Cornstalk [1899]
The Man Ahead
The Old Jimmy Woodser
Our Fighters
Past Carin'
Pigeon Toes
The Rovers
Second Class Wait Here
The Shakedown on the Floor
The Sliprails and the Spur
The Song of the Darling River
The Stranger's Friend
'Twas a Land Set Apart
The Author's Farewell to the Bushmen
The Ballad of the Black-Sheep
Ballad of the Cornstalk
From the Bush
The Rush to London
As Far As Your Rifles Cover
The Bulletin Hotel
The Bush Girl
Heed Not
Jack Cornstalk [1901]
The Men Who Made Australia
The Never-Never Country
The Shearers
The Things We Dare Not Tell
The Drums of Battersea
Gipsy Too
Say Good-bye When Your Chum is Married
The Separation
Shearer's Dream
The Wander-Light
When Bertha Comes to Tea
Will Yer Write It Down for Me?
The Alleys
The Brass Well
Brother, You'll Take My Hand
The Cliffs
The Drums of Ages
The Leader and the Bad Girl
The Men Who Live It Down
My Land and I
New Life, New Love
The Passing of Scotty
The Pride That Comes After
They Can Only Drag You Down
A Voice from the City
The Afterglow
Australian Engineers
And the Bairns Will Come
The Ballad of the Elder Son
Break o' Day
The Crucifixion
The Firing-Line
The Good Samaritan
The Heart of Australia
In the Storm That Is To Come
Joseph's Dreams and Reuben's Brethren
The Last Review
The Little Czar
The Men Who Went Away
The Ministry of Men
Old North Sydney
On the March
Riding Round the Lines
The Secret Whisky Cure
Those Foreign Engineers
To Hannah
To Jim
When I Was King
When the Bear Comes Back Again
With Dickens
The Women of the Town
Written Out [1904]
And What Have You to Say?
As Good As New
Australia's Peril
The Bill of the Ages
The Bonny Port of Sydney
"Broken Axletree"
The Bush Fire
The Cliques of the Who'll-Get-In
The Cross-roads
The Drunkard's Vision
The Federal City
For Australia
Give Yourself a Show
Hannah Thomburn
The Heart of the Swag
The Individualist
In Possum Land
The King and Queen and I
The Memories They Bring
The Men Who Stuck to Me
The Muscovy Duck
The Pink Carnation
Robbie's Statue
The Scamps
The Soul of a Poet
The Spirits for Good
The Stringy-bark Tree
To Jack
To Show What a Man Can Do
The Tracks That Lie by India
The Two Poets
The Vanguard [1905]
Waratah and Wattle
"The Water"
Above Crow's Nest (Sydney)
A Banquet of Stinking Fish
The Bard of Furthest Out
The Bards Who Lived at Manly
Before We Were Married
"Bound for the Lord-Knows-Where"
The Bush Beyond the Range
"Bush Hay"
"The Damanreadabook"
The Empty Glass
For All the Land to See
Gold in Their Teeth
The Horseman on the Skyline
In the Height of Fashion
Johnson's Wonder
Keeping His First Wife Now
My Father-in-Law and I
["My Pretty Young Gent"]
My Wife's Second Husband
The Newer Things at Home
The Old Ring-Master
Our Mistress and Our Queen
The Peace Maker
The Prime of Life
Sea Children of the Sea
Sheoaks That Sigh When the Wind Is Still
Since the Cities Are the Cities
The Spirits of Our Fathers
The Stranded Ship
That Great Waiting Silence
To Be Amused
To Victor Daley
The Wantaritencant
A Word from the Bards
The Cab Lamps
Clinging Back
The Country Girl
Cypher Seven
A Dan Yell
The Day Before I Die
Every Man Should Have a Rifle
The First Dingo
Five Years Later
For He Was a Jolly Good Fellow
The Gathering of the Brown-Eyed
The Greying of My Hair
His Toast and Mine
I'm An Older Man Than You
The Lily of St Leonards
Macleay Street and Red Rock Lane
The Motor Car
The Secessionist
The Separated Women
The Song of the Doodle Doos
The Sorrows of a Simple Bard
Take It Fightin'
Till all the Bad Things Came Untrue
What Have We All Forgotten?
When Your Sins Come Home to Roost
Who'll Wear the Beaten Colours?
As It Is in the Days of Now
The Bard's Triumph
Because My Father's One
Because of Her Father's Blood
Exceeding Small
The Friends of Fallen Fortunes
"He Isn't Long for This World"
In the Days When We Are Dead
The Knight of the Garden Spade
The Old Pens and the New
The Old Squire
One Hundred and Three
The Port o' Call
The "Problems"
The Sign of the Old Black Eye
The Skyline Riders
The Song of Australia
A Song of General Sick and Tiredness
The Song of the Back to Front
There Was a Song
Without the Heart Behind It
Billy of Queensland
The Black Bordered Letter
The Briny Grave
A Bush Girl
Captain Von Esson of the "Sebastopol"
The Dog in the Moon
Down The River
"Fall In, My Men, Fall In"
The Female Ward
The Gentlemen of Dickens
Grace Jennings Carmichael
"Here Died"
The Horse and Cart Ferry
I'd Back Agen the World
The Imported Servant
The Iron Wedding Rings
The Lily and the Bee
The Little Slit in the Tail
The Man Who Raised Charlestown
Nineteen Nine
The Poet's Kiss
The Scots
The "Soldier Birds"
Somewhere Up in Queensland
The Song of a Prison
The Song of What Do You Think
The Southerly Bluster
Sticking to Bill
The Story of Marr
When There's Trouble on Your Mind
PoemToBeDone The Great Fight
PoemToBeDone The Duty of Australians
PoemToBeDone The Land of Living Lies
PoemToBeDone The Land of "Missing Friends"
PoemToBeDone A Regret
PoemToBeDone For Being Alive
PoemToBeDone Deprived of Liberty
PoemToBeDone Legal Cant
PoemToBeDone Bound Over
PoemToBeDone Biddy O'Dowd
PoemToBeDone The North Shore Business Girl
PoemToBeDone Her Vagabond Friend
PoemToBeDone Charity
PoemToBeDone Barents
PoemToBeDone Exploring
PoemToBeDone The Something That Never Comes
To My Friends
"Everyone's Friend"
PoemToBeDone The Auld Shop & the New
PoemToBeDone Owed (and Paid) to a Bottle
The Old, Old Story and the New Order
PoemToBeDone Written Out [1910]
Do They Think That I Do Not Know?
The Wattle
The Foreign Drunk
PoemToBeDone Gypsy Blood
When Hopes Ran High
The Patteran
PoemToBeDone The Song of Broken English
PoemToBeDone The Song of Many
The Men Who Made Bad Matches
Gettin' Back
The Bar
Did You See Us Sailing Past?
Mallacoota Bar
Ben Boyd's Tower
To a Fellow-Bard Camping Out
Bonnie New South Wales
Mallacoota West
Seaweed, Tussock, and Fern
The King [1910]
PoemToBeDone When Kitchener Shed Tears
William Street
Above Lavender Bay
The World Is Full of Kindness
PoemToBeDone If They Win To-night
PoemToBeDone Wowserland
PoemToBeDone The Wowsers are Down and Out
As It Was in the Beginning
The King of our Republic
At the Beating of a Drum
The Rose
The Little Native Rose
He Had So Much Work to Do
PoemToBeDone Kiss in the Ring
PoemToBeDone When This New Bar is Old
Unwritten Books
PoemToBeDone Out of Fashion
PoemToBeDone It is Not There
PoemToBeDone ["To E.J. Brady"]
PoemToBeDone A Refutation
PoemToBeDone To the Land I Love
PoemToBeDone Waratah, My Mountain Queen
PoemToBeDone Wine from the Riverine
PoemToBeDone Bushman Sailor
Native Fruit
PoemToBeDone The Unknown Flower
PoemToBeDone The Bard Gets Massaged
PoemToBeDone Knighthood
PoemToBeDone After the Battle
When All the World Is New
PoemToBeDone Shades
PoemToBeDone The Spirit of Sydney
Queen Hilda of Virland
The Fairy West
PoemToBeDone A Nocturne
PoemToBeDone The Lost Punch
PoemToBeDone Mudgee Town
PoemToBeDone The Road to St Helena
PoemToBeDone The Old Head Nurse and the Young Marchioness
Australia's Forgotten Flag
PoemToBeDone The Universal Brothers
PoemToBeDone The Song of the Heathen
The King [1911]
PoemToBeDone England
PoemToBeDone The Reformation of the Eldest Son
PoemToBeDone Donald Macdonell
Said Grenfell to My Spirit
PoemToBeDone What's in a Name?
PoemToBeDone Recollections
PoemToBeDone A Riddle in Remorse
PoemToBeDone The Drunken Leader
PoemToBeDone What Manner of Man Is He?
PoemToBeDone Mr Printer's Error
PoemToBeDone The Pub That Lost Its Licence
Red and Gold
PoemToBeDone Jim-Jam Land
PoemToBeDone The Old Push and the New
PoemToBeDone The Studio
PoemToBeDone Men of Hell and London East
Too Old to Rat
A Song of Brave Men
The Men Who Sleep With Danger
PoemToBeDone Helsingfors
PoemToBeDone Down and Out
PoemToBeDone "I Wish I Could Write My Life!"
PoemToBeDone To the Friends that Remain
PoemToBeDone The Vendetta
PoemToBeDone The OId, Old Story
PoemToBeDone Another Song of General Sickness and Tiredness
PoemToBeDone Louis Becke
Wide Lies Australia
Along by Merry Christmas Time
PoemToBeDone The Old Horse Ferry
PoemToBeDone Eurunderee [1914]
The Flour Bin
PoemToBeDone "Trouble Belongit Mine"
On Looking Through an Old Punishment Book
Callaghan's Hotel
The Lady of the Motor Car
The Three Quiet Gentlemen
The Unknown God
A Fantasy of War
Dawgs of War
A Mixed Battle Song
The March of Ivan
A Dirge of Joy
Grey Wolves Grey
PoemToBeDone The Parley Voo
Peddling Round the World
A Slight Misunderstanding at the Jasper Gate
PoemToBeDone Antwerp (1914)
PoemToBeDone Soldier Libertine
Kerosene Bay
PoemToBeDone Commodore Blue
PoemToBeDone The Sea-Caves
A Mate Can Do No Wrong
PoemToBeDone Old Southerly Buster Gets Lost
PoemToBeDone The Local Spirit
All Ashore!
PoemToBeDone Some New Year Wishes
PoemToBeDone A Fantasy of Man
PoemToBeDone Sons of Foreign Fathers
PoemToBeDone ["Christmas Day"]
PoemToBeDone "Of the Bigness of a Hand"
PoemToBeDone ["A Sordid Tale"]
PoemToBeDone The Year Fifteen
My Army, O, My Army!
Young Kings and Old
Song of the Dardanelles
PoemToBeDone A Thousand Friends and None
The Route March
PoemToBeDone The Recruiting Sergeants
PoemToBeDone The Recruits
Fighting Hard
PoemToBeDone Brother-in-law and I
The Vanguard [1915]
PoemToBeDone The Foreign Legion
PoemToBeDone Italiano
Mostly Slavonic
PoemToBeDone "Civilyun"
PoemToBeDone Optimistic
PoemToBeDone Hold Out!
A New John Bull
Said the Kaiser to the Spy
PoemToBeDone A Dirge or a Wail, or Something
PoemToBeDone A Dirge of Gloom
PoemToBeDone Archie Ward
PoemToBeDone Lawson's Dream
The Old Stockman's Lament
Booth's Drum [1915]
Just Like Home
The Three Kings [1915]
The Captains
Kiddies' Land
The Unknown Patient
Next Door
PoemToBeDone Architect
PoemToBeDone War on Women
PoemToBeDone Old Portraits
PoemToBeDone The Kangaroo Jack Tar
PoemToBeDone Brother Piet
Black Bonnets
The Sacrifice of Ball's Head
Amongst My Own People
PoemToBeDone Leeton Town
PoemToBeDone A Song of Yanco
PoemToBeDone "Arrers"
The Return
PoemToBeDone Conscription
PoemToBeDone The Portugee
PoemToBeDone Billy Boy
PoemToBeDone The Lone Mate
PoemToBeDone In Flanders
PoemToBeDone Women and Children Again
To Roumania
PoemToBeDone A Few Remarks Concerning A Bear
PoemToBeDone The Calling of the Gods
PoemToBeDone Lowe and Bee Hold
Advertisement for Hean's Essence
PoemToBeDone The Passing Stranger at Burrinjuck
PoemToBeDone A Leeton Marching Song
PoemToBeDone Old Joe Hunt
PoemToBeDone Lest Dogs Defile!
England Yet
PoemToBeDone The Ballad of the Hundred and Third
Scots of the Riverina
PoemToBeDone Romani
PoemToBeDone Don't Worry, Little Woman!
PoemToBeDone Ripperty! Kye! Ahoo!
PoemToBeDone Booth's Drum [1917]
PoemToBeDone Gypsy Yet
The Lovable Characters
PoemToBeDone Posts and Rails
PoemToBeDone Evatt's Block: A Drone of the Irrigation Area
PoemToBeDone The Absent Jack
PoemToBeDone The Friendless One
PoemToBeDone The Right-O Girl
PoemToBeDone The Mucklebraeans
PoemToBeDone The Old Trouble
PoemToBeDone Paddy-the-Ram
PoemToBeDone Billo's Point of View
PoemToBeDone A Mixed-Up Business
PoemToBeDone Auld Scottish Sangs
PoemToBeDone Jack Kirkland
PoemToBeDone The Song of the Kaiser's Mo'
PoemToBeDone Uncle Samuel
PoemToBeDone Russia 1917
PoemToBeDone The Ballad of the Casual Lunatic
PoemToBeDone I Read A Song
PoemToBeDone Mostly Matrimonial
PoemToBeDone At The Sign of the Rotten Egg
The Cockney Soul
Wide Spaces
The Tragedy
Absolution for the Woman
Forgiveness for the Strollers
PoemToBeDone Those Messages from Mars
PoemToBeDone The King His Crown
PoemToBeDone The Belfries of Strassburg
PoemToBeDone Peace?
PoemToBeDone The Scandal
The League of Nations
PoemToBeDone When You Get That Kindly Feeling
PoemToBeDone "Shut Your Head!"
PoemToBeDone England's Work
Archibald's Monument
PoemToBeDone Chatswood
PoemToBeDone "Pictures"
PoemToBeDone Mixed
PoemToBeDone The Township
PoemToBeDone The Row at Ryan's Pub
[There's a Thought]
PoemToBeDone Dog Battler
PoemToBeDone The Origin of the "Lone Hand"
PoemToBeDone Ninety-one and Ninety-two
PoemToBeDone The Song of Tyrrell's Bell
PoemToBeDone The Bard and Disbarred
Uncle Harry
PoemToBeDone Me an' Mack
PoemToBeDone Granny's Specs
PoemToBeDone I Patched His Pants
PoemToBeDone The Delegates
PoemToBeDone In Memory of Claude Marquet
PoemToBeDone [In Memory of James J. Salter]
PoemToBeDone To the Memory of Louisa Albury
PoemToBeDone Bill Beach
PoemToBeDone The Harriet
PoemToBeDone The Female Touch
PoemToBeDone Red Tape
PoemToBeDone The Parsin for Edgerkashun
PoemToBeDone To Tom
The Rhyme of the Three Greybeards
PoemToBeDone Aaron's Pass
PoemToBeDone Dind's Hotel
The Low Lighthouse
PoemToBeDone Tom Mutch's Political Pyjamas
PoemToBeDone In the Days When We Were Young
PoemToBeDone A Hundred and One
PoemToBeDone Coeurderoi
PoemToBeDone Murphy
PoemToBeDone The Upper Circle
PoemToBeDone When the Visitors Go
On The Night Train