Defending Free Speech

The end of the Professor Fraser saga

          In August 2006, it was reported that Professor Fraser apologised for his views, and the case was closed.

          However, that was far from the truth. Facing the threat of Federal Court action on a charge of racial vilification, Professor Fraser agreed to conciliation proceedings with prominent Sydney lawyers George Newhouse and David Knoll (acting for Mr Safi Hareer, Secretary-General of the Sudanese Darfurian Union). Following legal high-pressure negotiations, and in the spirit of amicable negotiation, Professor Andrew Fraser agreed to sign a conciliatory statement on the matter.

          Fraser was not happy to discover that his conciliatory statement was then used to claim that he had backed down from his views. The Paramatta Sun even went so far as to say

                Former associate professor Andrew Fraser of Macquarie University has apologised to a Sudanese-born man, Safi Hareer, for showing racial hatred.[1]

          Of course, that was not the case at all. Professor Fraser had not displayed any form of "racial hatred", he had merely told the truth about the problems of African immigration. Fraser released a statement of his own, wherein he stated

                Professor Fraser is genuinely sorry that Mr Hareer or others similarly situated were offended when he predicted that the Commonwealth government's ill-advised black African immigration program will pile up ever more insoluble problems for the future. But Mr Hareer and his legal team are in denial, refusing to recognise the costs of African migration in particular, and of a multiracial society, generally.[2]

          In effect, Professor Fraser was saying "I'm sorry that you were offended by me telling the truth about African immigration, but I stand by what I said on the issue".

          Andrew Fraser has not bowed down to the authoritarian tactics of the Multiculturalists. He has continued to speak out at various meetings across Australia, giving his message on free speech, multiculturalism, and racial realism.

          Well done, Professor Fraser.


[1] Monica Heary, "Apology accepted", Paramatta Sun, 30 August 2006.
[2] Andrew Fraser, "HREOC Engineers Misleading and Flawed "Conciliation Agreement." Prof. Fraser Restates Risks Posed by Third World Colonisation - 7/8/2006 Media Release By Professor Andrew Fraser" [7 August 2006], (One Nation NSW Division News),

Defending Free Speech