The different human populations of the world have much in common. We all breathe, eat, and sleep; we like to smile, laugh, and have fun; we enjoy the company of friends; we want to provide stability and security for ourselves and our loved ones.
a particular population develops specific gene frequencies based on the selective pressure of the natural environment. This specific genotype bestows upon this population particular abilities and preferences (extended phenotype) that cause the population to structure its environment in specific ways. The preferences of the population and the actions it takes to modulate its environment are no more or no less than the entirety of that population's culture. In other words, culture can be defined as the desire, and the attempt, to canalize an environment to suit the needs of a particular population's genetic structure. Once the environment has been modified, it then exerts further selective pressure on the population, possibly increasing the frequency of particular genes that influence the extended phenotype of the population. This, in turn, prompts the population to make further modifications to their environment (cultural expansion), which in turn feeds back once again, via selection, to the population's genes and the resultant extended phenotype.[2] Richard M. Restak, in his review of Promethean Fire: Reflections on the Origin of Mind by Charles J. Lumsden and Edward O. Wilson, says: On the one hand, ''the human genes affect the way the mind is formed - which stimuli are perceived and which are missed, how information is processed, the kinds of memories most easily recalled, the emotions they are most likely to evoke, and so forth.'' On the other hand, culture exerts an effect on the developing genes. As the mind develops along certain pathways, individuals ''adopt cultural choices that enable them to survive and reproduce more successfully.'' Over many generations the genes that contribute to those survival-favoring choices tend to increase in the population; ''hence culture affects genetic evolution, just as the genes affect cultural evolution.''[3] Social cohesion Another important factor in the type of society we create or achieve is that of social cohesiveness. Studies have confirmed that higher levels of homogeneity create higher levels of trust with societies.[4] A homogeneous nation, consisting of people from similar stock and culture, is far more likely to become a stable, friendly, and mutually helpful society compared to a polyglot nation comprised of different and conflicting ethnic groups.
...national unity demands a common vision of the kind of community citizens of that society want. This implies a relatively high degree of ethno-cultural homogeneity. It also means that there must be frank and open discussion of the extent to which any given group of potential migrants will contribute towards or threaten the maintenance of a cohesive social order.
National destruction There is nothing wrong with individual people from foreign or "outsider" ethnicities and cultures - they can be just as good and nice as those from within a homogeneous culture. However, no matter how nice "outsider" individuals are as neighbours, workmates, or friends, they are not "us". When inhabitants of a country begin to feel like strangers in their own land, begin to feel like their nation is being overrun or swamped by outsiders, or begin to feel like second-class citizens in their own country, then problems will begin; when a people feels that their nation and culture are under threat, they will act to protect their national identity, for the sake of themselves, their future offspring, and their people. Once large numbers of outsiders begin to grow and congregate within a host nation, then conflicts will inevitably arise.
I am standing on higher moral ground when I argue that every race, every nation, and every ethnic group has the right to survive. Every ethnic group that considers itself a nation of people has the right to self-determination, on their own land, with secure borders. … the vast majority of people all over the world oppose the racial transformation of their societies. … the contrary view is held by only a small group of multiculturalist dissenters. But they are powerful, they dominate the media and they don't like to debate this issue.[8] The only way for the European nations to survive is to implement policies to protect their unique peoples and cultures, and to stop immigration from Third World countries. As Professor Geoffrey Blainey has said: I think all peoples are worthy and all peoples are equal. But I don't take the next step of saying that we should therefore take in peoples from all over the world. Intelligent discrimination is almost the essence of civilisation ... Discrimination is a normal thing as long as it is done courteously and sensibly.[9] The right to survive It is a natural instinct of individuals to want to protect themselves, their people, and their culture from destruction and genocide, whether that destruction comes at a fast pace via bullets and bombs, or at a slow pace via immigration and assimilation. Indeed, each people on this earth has the right to maintain and protect their own unique ethnic and cultural identity. Each people has the right to survive, without threats from overwhelming demographic invasion or from arrogant globalist elites. The Australian People have the moral right to protect the future of their people, their nation, and their families. References [1] Kevin MacDonald, "What Makes Western Culture Unique?" [The Occidental Quarterly, Vol.2 No.2, Summer 2002], (The Occidental Quarterly), [2] Louis R. Browning, "Bioculture: A New Paradigm for the Evolution of Western Populations" [The Occidental Quarterly, Vol.4 No.1, Spring 2004], (The Occidental Quarterly), see also: Robin Allott, "Evolution and Culture: The Missing Link" [re. link between culture and language, per. Cavalli-Sforza and Feldman], (Robin Allott: Language and Evolution), [3] Richard M. Restak, "Is Our Culture In Our Genes?" [New York Times, 24 April 1983], (New York Times), see also: Charles Lumsden, "Gene-culture Coevolution: Evolving Creative Minds IV" [03.05.1999], (Heise Online), [4] Andrew Leigh, "Does Equality Lead to Fraternity?" [Discussion Paper No. 513, January 2006], (Australian National University, Research School of Social Sciences, Economics Program), [5] J. Philippe Rushton, Race, Evolution, and Behaviour, Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick (USA), 1997, p.74-75 (see "Kin recognition in humans" section, especially with reference to Kurland, 1979). [6] Andrew Fraser, [Letter from Andrew Fraser to The Hon John von Doussa, QC (Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission), 8 April 2006], on the internet at: "Professor Fraser responds to The Hon von Doussa" [8 April 2006], (Adelaide Institute), [7] "Demolishing the Liberal Guilt Complex", (European People's Anti-Defamation Organisation), Samuel Francis, "Power Trip" [book review of Multiculturalism and the Politics of Guilt: Toward a Secular Theocracy, by Paul Edward Gottfried, in The Occidental Quarterly, Vol.3 No.2, Summer 2003], (The Occidental Quarterly), [8] Perry Lorenz, "The Ethnic case against immigration", The Social Contract, Winter 1996-97, p. 125. [9] Doug Aiton, Conversations with Doug Aiton, ABC Enterprises, Crows Nest (NSW), 1991, (chapter "Geoffrey Blainey", pp. 24-29) p.27. |