Australia's Peril
The Future?
It is finally being recognised by a large segment of the population that the Asianisation of Australia is underway. Also, the fact that our nation is undergoing the process of Asianisation is now even being openly admitted by a number of prominent people.
Greg Sheridan, Foreign Editor of The Australian, has written about some important aspects of the threat to Australia (although he portrays it in a different light, and tries to deny that it is a threat):
"Crucial policy changes of the 1980s led directly to the Asianisation of almost every sphere of Australian life",
"In education as in so many other areas, internationalisation for Australia has meant Asianisation",
"Now about half of our migrants come from Asia and this is likely to be roughly the case for as far ahead as one can imagine".(171)
The Bulletin reported that
"Whatever happens, Indochinese will continue to make up a sizeable proportion of Australia's immigration intake... They may indeed signal an increasingly Asianized Australia".(172)
Peter Robinson wrote in the Sun-Herald that
"We all know what has happened to Australia's population structure. Its dominant characteristic is that it has become more and more Asian. Our economy has become overwhelmingly linked with Asia, our tourism industry is dominated by it and our education system is increasingly enmeshed in Asia... We need to be encouraged to accept that Australia is rapidly becoming more and more Asianised and a good thing it is... In many ways, we represent the way ahead for Asia and will increasingly do so as our "Asianisation" develops".(173)
Also, it was reported in The Bulletin that "Professor Stephen Fitzgerald, of the Australia-Asia Institute, has argued that the "Asianisation" of Australia is already underway and that in the not too distant future Australia will be a "honey coloured" part of an East Asian community".(174)
The views of Stephen Fitzgerald were outlined by John Shaw in the Sun-Herald in 1993:
"He believes Australia's best future lies in the evolution of an "Asian Community", a region-wide association including Australia... He said the region now sensed there was urgency in discussing closer association for economic reasons but governments had "reservations about other directions" - i.e. political. "But economic linking will not be enough - there has to be more," he said. Australia's economic commitment to Asia is clear. Exports to Asia are now running at $35 billion a year - almost 60 per cent of our total overseas sales of minerals, wool, food, manufactures and technology. Services like tourism, education and contracting will add another $2 billion more income from Asia this year... Overall, East Asia is expected to "grow" by 200 million affluent consumers in the next 15 years, making a new market as big as Europe is now... No wonder, then, that Prime Minister Paul Keating believes Australia's prosperity depends on economic integration with East Asia, on "increasingly becoming part of Asia"... Dr FitzGerald believes an Asian Community is both desirable and achievable and he is prepared to advocate "some kind of ultimate political confederation"... His institute's charter directs it to work for the attainment, for the region and Australia, of an Asian Community".(175)
Similar views on such a proposed "Asian Community" has been espoused by Professor Julian Disney. Regarding issues such as Australia's possible future with APEC (the Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation forum), Disney's view was:
"These regional associations are going to be of enormous importance, whether benign or malign, to our future as a country... They are of the most profound importance. Far more important, for example, than discussing our national Constitution. Our Constitution in 30 or 40 years time will be the APEC constitution, not the national one".(176)
Even foreign politicians have recognised what sort of future the Australian Establishment is dragging our country into. The observations of Lee Kuan Yew (Singapore's Prime Minister, 1959-1990) were reported in The Bulletin in 1990:
"Lee Kuan Yew sees a steady and inevitable Asianisation of Australia, with our European population ending up as the "white trash of Asia"." (177)