The Asianisation of Australia is deliberate Establishment policy. As has been exposed by Professor Geoffrey Blainey, European immigrants are actually discriminated against and are discouraged from migrating to Australia. Blainey revealed that the immigration programme "gives massive preference to migrants from Asia and discriminates on a very startlingly scale against migrants from the British Isles... There are massive requests from Britain, from West Germany and from other countries to come to Australia, but the great majority of those requests are refused because of special guidelines now set up by the Government"(2) (although Blainey wrote those words in 1984, they still apply). Consider the following points: 1) Programmes of mass Asian immigration have been carried out as part of a deliberate policy of "Asianisation". It has been estimated that Australia will be predominantly Asian in three to four generations. There are two major reasons for the Asianisation of Australia: The first is social: various liberal-internationalist "do-gooders" have decided to try and create a "Brotherhood of Man" here. The second is economic: powerful financial and/or political individuals and groups want a rapid expansion of Australia's population, in order to create a larger consumer market, as well as to provide a cheaper work force. For these reasons the Labor, Liberal, National, and Democrat parties, as well as big business and multi-national corporations, all encourage mass Asian immigration. 2) It has been known by Australian governments for many years that the family reunion category of the immigration programme, as Professor Blainey has stated, "strongly favours Asian immigrants", and - over several years - the family reunion component of the immigration programme has been steadily "bumped up", thus ensuring a huge increase in Asian immigration.(3) The Labor Government led by Bob Hawke, and then by Paul Keating, was the worst offender in this regard. As Labor's Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs, Stewart West, announced in 1984, "This Labor Government is giving priority to family reunion and refugees".(4) Blainey revealed that
4) During the 1970s and 1980s, immigration guidelines were changed, whereby the emphasis on the importance of having a grasp of the English language was lowered - yet another move which enabled an increase in the number of Asian immigrants.(7) 5) The "humanitarian" immigration category (which includes the refugee, special humanitarian, and special assistance sub-categories) is also well-known as being favourable to Asians (in the 1980s Polish refugees were discriminated against, while Vietnamese refugees were discriminated in favour of)(8). To this end, the Department of Immigration has issued internal policy directives in the past that give preference to Vietnamese. One such document reveals that officers of the Department of Immigration were instructed to "respond to the claims of Vietnamese applicants in a compassionate and flexible way" (in other words, to be more lenient towards Vietnamese applicants, than towards other applicants) and that "Application of the appropriate policy provisions to meet their circumstances may involve considerable use of available discretions with a relatively high number of cases receiving special attention" (Policy Control Instruction "PC 39", dated 2 August 1982, File Reference 82/95108).(9*) Such discrimination continued on after the 1980s. The Asia-Australia Survey 1994, produced by the Centre for the Study of Australia-Asia Relations, revealed the little-known fact that "The majority of Vietnamese currently migrating to Australia are arriving directly from Vietnam under the special Vietnamese Family Migration Program, with only about 20 per cent of the Vietnamese settling in Australia as refugees. The Vietnamese Family Migration Program was established in the 1980s as part of an international strategy to reduce the outflow of refugees from Vietnam. Under this program Vietnamese nationals with immediate family members in Australia receive preferential treatment in seeking to migrate to Australia" (emphasis added).(10) 6) It has also been revealed by Nick Bolkus, then Labor Minister for Immigration, that "In relation to the business skills program... that the Government had moved specifically to target the Asian region".(11) 7) The result?: We need only to look at the increase of the Asian population in Australia. In 1966 there were only about 49 400 Asians resident in Australia (12) (1966 was the last census which actually published the racial background of the Australian population in detail) (13*). But by 1991, following the immigration changes made by various Liberal and Labor governments from 1966, the Asian population in Australia had incredibly risen to about one and a quarter million Asians (i.e. 7.4%: 1 288 000; comprising 1 055 000 full-Asians, 233 000 part-Asians) (14). By mid-1995, after further Asian immigration and the natural population increase of Asian ethnics, this figure rose to approximately 1 600 000 Asians in Australia, out of a population of only just over 18 million (i.e. 8.7%) (15). By the beginning of 1998, people in Australia of Asian and Third World descent would be well over 10% of the total population. |