Political Correctness — The Final Nail in the Coffin of the Anzac Legacy

Andrew Phillips

The following article was printed in the 3rd edition of Destiny Magazine.
March 2008

As we draw near to April, once again the thoughts of Australians turn to the sacrifices made by previous generations in past conflicts. In regional towns and cities around the country hundreds of thousands of Australians take the time to honour and pay respect to the many Australians who risked their lives for the welfare and security of future generations — but exactly for what did these men fight to defend?

At the time of the Great War, Australia had only been a united nation for a short time and in many ways was still shaking off the colonial mentality. Men from around the nation were thrown together on the battlefields of Europe and the Middle East and through the hellish experiences they endured forged a true notion of nationhood, a sense of national identity and a recognition of what the quintessential character of an Australian really was.

It is easy for the social engineers to scoff at the motivation of these men who fought on the front and the women who served long hours in support roles, often in arduous and archaic conditions.

To these people, our Diggers were nothing more than foolish pawns thrown into the meat grinder of foreign battlefields for the glory of King and Empire.

However, as with all matters historical, it is important to take the facts and motivations in the context of the times.

Early last century, Empire held nothing less than the embodiment of national and cultural identity. Those serving in the Australian forces were fighting alongside their British cousins in defence of cultural identity and a shared way of life, the ties of common blood bringing people together from around the world to defend a common standard of belief.

By 1939 our people were once again answering the call to serve on foreign soil in Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asia. Again, it was in defence of a common standard of behaviour — what in a cultural sense was believed to be “the right thing”.

Totalitarianism just wasn’t our way. Few could not find the idea of men with Christian and cultural ties shedding each other’s blood distasteful, but to the man on the street comfortable with democratic institutions the events in Europe would have seemed ready to shake the Earth.

In defence of freedom of speech, the right to assembly, and our democratic institutions, Australians once again signed up and were shipped off to foreign shores to fight.

With the entry of Japan into the war, events were seen in a whole different light. Fortunately for Australia, there emerged a leader who saw the dire situation for what it really was — a fight for national survival.

Curtin understood the Japanese would be a formidable fighting force and it would take every ounce of resources and every drop of Australian sweat to hold them at bay.

While Curtin fought to have battle-hardened Australian troops returned to defend Australia, volunteers were sent to New Guinea to meet the Japanese on the Kokoda Track. 160 km in length, ridges 2.5 km high, Kokoda is known as one of the worst battlefields on record.

It is in these conditions that ordinary Australian volunteers were thrown to defend the very survival of their nation.

Outnumbered 5 to 1, the men who fought in New Guinea were defending their identity, the continuation of their common Faith, the safety and well-being of Australian women and children against wholesale rape, torture, murder and slavery.

In short, these men fought for the Australia they knew and loved — an Australia with it’s traditional European identity. These men were prepared to lay down their lives for the Australia they knew, the Australia designed by our nation’s founders — founded on a common stock, with common beliefs and identity.

Social engineers would have us believe these brave men fought for a multicultural, multi-racial, multi-faith “Australia”, against “intolerant attitudes”, when clearly the facts state otherwise. Certainly they fought against intolerance — that displayed at the end of a bayonet by those who would enslave us for the benefit of the Japanese Empire under the Rising Sun.

It is amusing then to see these New Class social engineers continue their campaign in defence of “enlightened attitudes” and the global village. These people troll the media, particularly the newspapers, searching out the heretics who dare to speak against threats to our nation.

Any sign of “intolerance” towards any groups, any hint of defending traditional values that made our nation a prosperous, stable and cohesive society — and these defenders of an “inclusive and pluralistic society” launch themselves into a frenzied campaign of letter writing to newspaper editors, belittling those heretics who just can’t seem to come to terms with the reality of the modern world: the fractured society, drugs, the crime, the sexual perversion, the ethnic violence, the free-loading pressure groups feeding off government funding and then demanding more of their clients to be allowed into our society in order to justify their existence.

Armed with their ideological torches burning brightly, these self-proclaimed defenders of tolerance seek out the heretics with a zeal that would make a Spanish Inquisitor jealous.

It is not hard to find them — they’re in our schools, they’re on the selection panels in the Public Service, they’re sitting in our media outlets, raking in fat salaries on our parliamentary benches, giving sermons in our Churches representing a Faith they no longer believe in and probably never have.

Is this the Australia our troops fought to defend? Is this the mess the social engineers and New Class would have us believe was worth laying down precious Australian lives for?

No, never in their wildest nightmares would our forefathers have considered the Australia of today — a fractured society without values and of little identity. A society ruled by a dictatorial and smug New Class intelligentsia dismissive of all values of decency, all respect of heritage and that will not allow an open debate without the spectre of so-called “Hate Laws”.

This Anzac Day, spare time to think of the Australia our Diggers really did fight for. Through their sacrifice they bought us some time — that was all.

Now, the rest of the fight is up to you.

It is time to honour their sacrifice. Fight to reclaim your country for future generations of Australians.

Do it for their memory.

Articles by Andrew Phillips