K.Rudd’s Fetish for Political Persecution — Soviet Style

Andrew Phillips

30th March 2008

It was once said to me that the measure of a man can be determined by his ability to take criticism.

Naturally this speaks volumes when one views the tactics and behavior exhibited by dictatorial and totalitarian leaders and their regimes. Leaders who tolerate no criticism, no opposing position on any issue — such dissent is to be hounded into silence, prosecuted under oppressive laws stifling freedom of speech and expression.

Welcome to life in Australia 2008. Socialist governments from coast to coast and an emboldened internationalist multiculturalist lobby growing fat, arrogant and ever more dangerous on the taxes of Australian workers.

Perhaps a little over dramatic?

The Australian Protectionist Party, the only effective, mainstream patriotic party in existence in our nation today, has come to the attention of that government department known as the “Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission”. Equal opportunity, except in the area of free speech and open discussion for Australians.

This body acts as little more than a government agency (as in the same manner as the Soviet KGB), they use their position to intimidate and bully those whose position on issues affecting the nation’s future is at odds with those held by their paymasters.

So, what exercise in horrendous racial vilification are the Australian Protectionists (and according to the Human Rights Commission, the National Chairman, Andrew Phillips) supposed to have carried out, thereby falling foul of our open minded regime led by a power mad Sinophile who claimed he intended to govern for ALL Australians?

A complaint has been lodged by a government employee of yet another dictatorial social engineering department located in WA. Apparently this person is of Islamic Arab persuasion and had a leaflet she claims to be from the Protectionists sent to her by a friend “for her interest”.

So, the leaflet, available on the internet for anyone to download, was put into a friend’s letterbox and sent to the complainant for her interest.

Apparently the poor woman was so outraged and offended at receiving the leaflet, 90% of which consisted of reprinted tracts of the utterances of the Prophet Mohammed, that she began making abusive and threatening phone calls to the WA branch (as if they had put the leaflet into her box) and then lodged a confused and bitter complaint against the Party with Krudd’s Thought Police.

Despite claiming the desire to “negotiate” and “have all leafleting and activities cease”, the true motivation of both the plaintiff and the Human Rights Thought Police are much darker than they would have us all believe.

The plaintiff apparently shrieked at Australian Protectionists that “you’ll all be going to gaol for SEVEN years” (hmmm, doesn’t sound very conciliatory now, does it?), while the Thought Police sent out interesting extracts from the Racial Vilification Laws which truly set out how oppressive our system really is.

The law states that Australians are free to believe whatever they wish ( sounds quite reasonable, doesn’t it?) in private.

Apparently one falls foul of the law once “one causes words, sounds, images or writing to be communicated to the public” or “is done in the sight or hearing of people who are in a public place”.

Perhaps this does not sound too much like a One Party State in practice, but let us look deeply at what they’re REALLY saying here.

A group of reasonable, patriotic Australians who are naturally law abiding wish to discuss a contentious issue such as say, immigration and national identity.

Not wanting to fall foul of the law, one of them decides to hold a meeting to discuss the issue in the privacy of his own home, or hires a small hall so people can discuss their concerns in private.

At what point does the transmission of an “offensive personal point of view” attracting “7 years gaol” to the public really take place? As with all dictatorial systems, a public meeting is deemed to take place once 3 or more people are gathered together in one place.

All it takes is for one person to disagree with a point of discussion in a room containing 3 or more people, lodge a complaint — and you have broken the law. Perhaps a journalist has heard of this quiet meeting and chosen to invite themselves along?

There you have it. All patriotic Aussies are entitled to their own opinions in our “free and democratic land”, just as it should be. Just don’t ever get the idea of meeting with like-minded people, forget about raising issues of importance for discussion by your fellow Australians and absolutely forget about ANY idea of forming a political movement to represent your wishes.

George Orwell’s Big Brother would be proud.

Regardless of these developments, the Australian Protectionist Party leadership are committed to standing firm against the actions of a dictatorial government and their globalist cronies. APP is devoted to the task of speaking out for Australians on ALL issues, be they the threats to Aussie manufacturing jobs, the attempts to drive our farmers off their land and endanger the viability of our primary industry through cheap imports, attacks on the biological integrity of our land through lowered quarantine standards, the actions of social engineers in our education system instructing our children to loathe their own identity and culture, immigration and the threat to freedom of speech which has long been treasured by Aussies and a gift to the nation by our founders — a gift paid for with the blood of diggers on foreign battlefields.

As in the past, there is a renewed effort to deny Australians their right to freedom of speech and self determination. Members of the Protectionist Party and the Party’s National Committee will be resisting any attempts to deny Australians their right to discuss issues of national interest and deny us the tradition of questioning the dubious actions and motivations of remote and disinterested governments.

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever”. George Orwell, 1984.

Australia, it’s YOUR country, protect what is left for future generations.

Articles by Andrew Phillips