Sorry — Words Don’t Always Come Cheap

Andrew Phillips

18th February 2008

In the lead up to the much touted and so called “historic” apology by K.Rudd and his Cabinet of Social Engineers to those indigenous Australians who were removed from their homes, I’ve have quite a number of people asking me where the Protectionist Party stood on the issue, as well as my own personal position.

The whole issue of indigenous Australians is fraught with pitfalls — it’s a veritable minefield into which only those seeking personal gain, or those who have no idea about the subject willingly choose to enter.

Anglo Celtic / European Australia has agonised since the time of Settlement over how to interact with the continent’s earlier wave of nomadic settlers. This has been evident from the fluctuating levels of involvement in indigenous affairs by Australians, dependent upon the current trendy philosophy held by our society at any given point in time.

Was it best to leave them to their traditional lifestyle and have minimal contact? Should we offer health and education, religious morals? Should we integrate them? Should we just abandon our own heritage and act like pale aborigines?

Australians have been caught between a rock and a hard place since we arrived here. One minute, we’re not doing enough and being heartless and insensitive. The next minute, we are accused of so called “white paternalism” and interfering in matters of which we can have no understanding.

Before Australians can sensibly approach the conundrum of indigenous issues there remains one important issue to be resolved, one that can only be resolved by our indigenous population through their own efforts.

What is an Aborigine?

Before I receive a barrage of criticism from whining “do gooders” and bleeding-hearted lefties, this is a sensible and pertinent question.

According to some Elders in the Pilbara region, only full-blooded Aborigines have a claim to lands — mixed-bloods are little more than troublesome usurpers interfering in issues of which under Aboriginal custom they have no right.

Until the aboriginal population can come together and decide whether this custom still stands, decide whether it was a uniform approach across the entire continent — then in reality Australians have no right to involve themselves in indigenous issues. Until Aborigines can decide who has a right to land, until they decide who should have the right to be treated as an aborigine themselves, Australians will continue to stumble blindly in the dark and approach the whole issue in a ham fisted and piecemeal fashion — all the while lawyers, professional activists and various other parasites continue to milk the whole system for what it’s worth, regardless of the anarchy and discontent they continue to cause.

These people continue to foment discord and ill feeling, all under the guise of “walking the path to healing”. There is even talk of making February 13th an annual “Sorry Day”. Exactly how is annually pointing the finger of guilt going to aid healing? This is akin to one marital partner having an affair, the couple getting back together, only to have the wounded spouse continually reminding the offending partner of her/his indiscretion on the anniversary of their discovery of the betrayal.

Sensible people will realise this is no foundation for a progressive relationship. The partnership will dissolve before too long and the parties will go their separate ways — perhaps this is for the best? Is that what those guilt mongers desire?

Their presence was felt when the confused but well-meaning Brendan Nelson gave his speech regarding the apology. Mr. Nelson appeared to express the opinions of many Australians with his relatively balanced approach to the subject, reminding the nation that many indigenous people were taken from unhealthy or dangerous situations and the Australian foster parents who took them on more often than not cared for them as best they could, giving them nutritious meals, warm clothing and education.

The intent, in the context of the time, is what should be examined — not a blanket condemnation of Australian people approaching indigenous issues as being “racist”.

For his trouble, Mr. Nelson was subjected to hysterical and rude treatment by extremists and hate-mongers, eventually turning off the telecast all together before he could finish his speech. They didn’t get what they wanted, self-flagellation, bitter self-recrimination, supplication, begging for forgiveness, money.

Money. We were assured by representatives putting on a moderate facade that all that was being sought was a healing “apology”, so black and white “Australians” ( some, such as Michael Mansell, spurn the term Australian, steadfastly announcing they’re not Australians, they’re “aborigines”) could move forward, together, in a spirit of unity and forgiveness.

Uh huh.......

Krudd was warned repeatedly of the dangers that lay ahead. In Victoria alone, media reports indicate an estimated 40 claims are now in the system for “compensation” with more coming up in other states.

Considering one case here in SA received $775,000 compensation (along with an estimated 1300 potential cases in this state alone) , one can only shudder at the thought of exactly how “sorry” we really intend to be — or how sorry they intend to make us.

The Law is an Ass.

Articles by Andrew Phillips